Lick. Taste. Mmm… Salt. Lips dusted with savoury flavour. Residue of sea’s soft kiss. Tender. Warm. Gentle. Sea holds us high on her back. Pushes us up toward the god of the sky – sun – then cradles us slowly again. Process continues as seconds disappear. Ahh… this my friend is living. Our vessel gleams with glowing white. The mast reflects the sun’s warm light. I gaze across her rippling gown of blue. Which glitters like diamonds in the light. Mouth stretched into a smile by invisible hooks from the heavens. Mother nature - the grand puppeteer. Lips crack with joy. Must apply more lip balm. Mmm…breeze blows, eyes close, tingle in the toes… Waves crash over the bough, and cool spray descends over us. Conversation changes with the direction of the wind. We swap stories filled with laughter, frustrations, and expletives – like fuck. It really is the perfect day. Times of silence counter these exchanges as we mull over them and recall others… Sails flap, and clap, then snap back into place. The sea – my spiritual home. Constant change against elements suits me. It mirrors the inside of my head...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006

Sun tumbles down with its colossal weight. Unforgiving,
unrelenting it laughs. It laughs at me stumbling along
this dusty suffocating path. I long for rain. Rain
is all I desire. My sun-parched cracking body aches
and yearns for her moist kiss.
My weary eyes scan the heavens endlessly. Looking and praying
for relief from the terror of the sun. No trees around
to offer relief. I wander on. Vultures, with their beady eyes
circle over head, and wait. Will I survive this hellish day,
or will they reap my soul, slowly?
Nomad. Wretch. Outcast. I am condemned to this fate, imprisoned
by myself, my mind, and this burning ball of fire. Oh rain, cleanser
of broken souls? Why hast thou forsaken me? Abandoned,
in this arid land of death. I am slowly consumed, drained, sucked
dry of life. A chalice of death forced upon me.
My destiny demands this I guess. To endlessly roam the earth
never finding rain. The comforting, soothing, calming
shower. I will never feel clean, pure, or whole. Ha ha! But this
is what I know... Madness descends, and disturbs, but
never conquers. I like it here. This is home. Vagabond.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
rain cloud...
the first was going to see my sister shelley(aka rainbow) perform her final pieces of music for her degree in derby at a small theatre. she was fantastic! one of the pieces was dedicated to me which caused an upside down frown to form on my face. strange sensation of late...
the second was beginning to read the solitaire mystery by the incomparable jostein gaarder. it is such a wonderful book! i have read sophie's world and maya in the past, but hadn't gotten round to this one yet. he has this beautifully simple way of saying the most intensely complicated things!
it's the story if a young boy and his father travelling from norway to greece in search of their mum/wife, and an account of their conversations along the way. i won't go into too much detail, but you should get this book asap at all costs. i have smiled more in the last three days than i have in a long time...
one of the things he talks about is that people forget how amazing our existence is. think about it for a few seconds....? think about the chain of events over millennia that have led to you being sat in front of your computer right now! it is absolutely insane to think about! the chances of every single one of your ancestors pulling through severe illness, or a cruel war, a natural disaster, maybe a shipwreck, a stabbing, or a near suicide. it could have been any one of a million things, but they did, and you are reading this my friend... think again...? you see!?!? if one link in the chain had snapped there would be someone else here instead...
the thing is, we don't know the distant past or the future, and i don't care to argue whether we came from a single cell or a grand designer. these things are absolutely irrelevant to me! i am here! i fucking exist... and it's the most amazing thing!! we spend all this time discusssing things which are extremely interesting(i do like a philosophical discussion, and the odd glass of wine... sometimes at the same time...), but let us not forget to enjoy this amazing gift we have been given to the absolute fullest!! the odds of us being here individually to experience this playground of life is billions to one. we are the lucky ones!!
gaarder said this on page 107, "the unlucky ones...don't exist. they were never born. life is one huge lottery ticket where only the winning tickets are visible."
so many are blind to what they have been given. they slave away for the man, and they buys lots of pretty shiny things, and then they get fucked because of debt and work related stress... i am not saying that i am an angel, far from it, but it's vitally important to continually look at life through the eyes we were born with - those eyes of abolute amazement! we need to fall in love with our existence again and again because it truly is wonderful! like any relationship, there are times when you are pissed off and can't be bothered and just want to end it, but then at the very breaking point, you remember why you are there and all the things that you love about them/it/whatever...
there are some dark people, and some dark things go on here, but being numbed by their evil only serves to make us more detached and apathetic, and essentially hands the battle to them. i'll be damned!! we must remember what we have and struggle with purpose and vigour to protect those things, or rather this thing - human existence. our ancestors bled, fought, and cried for us which demands that we do the same for our future generations. i will always fight to protect this beautiful thing!! what about you?
Monday, May 01, 2006
it's been too long...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
deep breaths...
"i can't..."
"i... ahh... i know..."
"you are so... i feel so..."
"ha ha..."
"i'm... fucking... dripping..."
"i... ahh... can't believe..."
"that... was amazing..."
"that's the first... time i've ever..."
"i know... i can't move... i'm trembling..."
"i feel like... i'm glowing..."
"ha... ahh... ha..."
"we... have to... do this more often..."
"next time... we should run ten miles..."
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
so i jumped...
So I jumped… Fear, exhilaration, smile, tears... Falling gracefully; or it felt graceful anyway… It’s a strange sensation falling. It feels like eternity as you stare into the horizon. Wind whistling past your ears… weightlessness… utter freedom… That’s why I jumped. That’s why I always jumped. For those few seconds of bliss…
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
the new season...

it was such a beautiful day today! the sun was so bright and warm. it is great for the spirit when you get those first signs of winter's demise. it's like in narnia when they see grass for the first time again, and the hear the whispers of aslan's return; everyone is thinking 'ha ha! the white witch is fucked!' it was still quite cold, but you feel and see the subtle signs of new life everywhere. it influences your coversations too. tyler and i were walking through hyde park this afternoon and discussing all things cool. obviously... we were dicussing the future - our's and the world's. we spoke of aspirations, dreams, goals, etc. we also discussed the role of death and loss, and its importance in making us stronger, sharper, and more understanding. we both believe that it is necessary to experience these the darker sides of life in order for us to truly appreciate the things we love and hold dear. if it were summer all of the time it would become mundane. it's after the cold, wet, grey, lifeless winter that we truly appreciate the spring and summer. the reason today was so glorious was because i hadn't experienced a day like for weeks. we were following only the paths that allowed us to be showered in sunshine... it was a shower too. it was cleansing and refreshing. i am really looking forward to this year. in my blog about autumn a few months ago, i spoke of entering the winter and using the time to learn new tricks and sharpen parts of yourself that needed it. well, it's almost showtime... the new season is about to get under way... are you ready?
Sunday, February 05, 2006
p.s. thanks to the wonderful kat drew for finding this. x
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
guinea pig...
Sunday, January 22, 2006
the master...
- if liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear -
- many people genuinely do not wish to be saints, and it is possible that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never had much temptation to be human beings -
- every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it -
- speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act -
george orwell